
1. 顧客分群 - Customer Segmentation

2. 顧客流失預測 - Customer Churn Prediction

3. 商品推薦 - Product Recommendation

4. 店鋪商品銷售預測 - Store Item Sales Forecasting

5. 併買關聯分析 - Market Basket Analysis

6. 交易異常偵測 - Fraud Detection in Transactions

7. 顧客回饋分析 - Customer Feedback Analysis

8. 感知顧客需求 - Demand Sensing

9. 顧客需求預測 - Product Matching and Cross Selling Prediction

10. 店鋪人流分析 - Pedestrian Flow and Traffic Analysis  



標準差與 Wald 統計量

可能性比檢定(Likelihood ratio test)

Wold Decomposition Theorem