
 Introduction and Background

● What motivated you to study this method? Why are you interested? Focus on the reason this technique was developed. 

● What kinds of statistical/ML/AI problems is it good for analyzing?

 ● Review and discuss at least three statistical papers that define the technique, i.e., literature review. 1 

Methods and Materials

● Brief description of the data

 ● How is it being collected? 

● What variables are being measured and analyzed? 

● Is there anything special about the data such as auto-correlation? 

● Brief description of the technique including statistical model

 ● Illustrate the technique using your data 


● Summary and interpretation of your analysis 

● R/Python code (or any other software you use) may be placed in the Appendix.  

Discussion and Summary: 

● What do you think of the technique? 

● Is it a useful methodology? 

● Relate your results to other closely related techniques currently being used 

● Discuss potential issues and further research 


● Should be the academic sources in your annotated bibliography, plus anything else you 




標準差與 Wald 統計量

可能性比檢定(Likelihood ratio test)

Wold Decomposition Theorem