Time Series Features
Time domain:
frequency domain:
1. Spectral entropy of a time series
Computes feature of a time series based on tiled (non-overlapping) windows.
2. lumpiness is the variance of the variances
3. stability is the variance of the means
Computes feature of a time series based on sliding (overlapping) windows
4. max_level_shift finds the largest mean shift between two consecutive windows.
5. max_var_shift finds the largest var shift between two consecutive windows
6. max_kl_shift finds the largest shift in Kulback-Leibler divergence between two consecutive windows
7. Number of crossing points: the number of times a time series crosses the median
8. Number of flat spots: Number of flat spots in a time series(rel)
9. Hurst coefficent: Computes the Hurst coefficient indicating the level of fractional differencing of a time series
10. Autocorrelation-based features: Computes various measures based on autocorrelation coefficients of the original series, first-differenced series and second-differenced series
11. Partial autocorrelation-based features: Computes various measures based on partial autocorrelation coefficients of the original series, first-differenced series and second-differenced series
12. Parameter estimates of Holt's linear trend method: Estimate the smoothing parameter for the level-alpha and the smoothing parameter for the trend-beta
13. Autocorrelation coefficient at lag 1 of the residual: Computes the first order autocorrelation of the residual series of the deterministic trend model
**. Strength of trend and seasonality of a time series:
Computes various measures of trend and seasonality of a time series based on an STL decomposition
- Summary Stat:
14. the length of a time series
15. the variance of a time series
16. the variance of the residules
17. the variance of the detrend series
18. the variance of the deseasonal series
19. the number of the seasonal
20. Measure of trend strength
21. Measure of seasonal strength
22. Find time of peak and trough for each component
23. Compute measure of spikiness
24. Compute measures of linearity and curvature
25. ACF of remainder
**. Heterogeneity coefficients
Computes various measures of heterogeneity of a time series. First the series is pre-whitened using an AR model to give a new series y.
We fit a GARCH(1,1) model to y and obtain the residuals, e. Then the four measures of heterogeneity are:
26. the sum of squares of the first 12 autocorrelations of y^2
27. the sum of squares of the first 12 autocorrelations of e^2
28. the R^2 value of an AR model applied to y^2
29. the R^2} value of an AR model applied to e^2
The statistics obtained from y^2 are the ARCH effects, while those from e^2 are the GARCH effects.
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